Shang-Chi, Fantastic Frankey and Ida's Wrath

Sept 1st kicked off the start of fall, yet it did something more. I managed to see a movie that might actually reach the same level as Black Panther, I had the opportunity to speak with the Afro-Latina voice of pop culture and I managed to survive one of the most horrific storms in tri-state history.

The Confusing World of Godzilla: Singular Point

Godzilla: Singular Point is a mixed bag. With that said, Godzilla: Singular Point is far from a perfect experience. While the first five episodes draw you in with its stellar animation and unique ancient mystery, it’s soon drowned out by more technobabble than I can stand…

Netflix's Pacific Rim: The Black..... A Few Words

Netflix’s series is a new seven-episode anime season expanding on the concepts introduced in both Pacific Rim and Pacific Rim Uprising, exploring the concepts the franchise has used since the first film. By making the show a television series, it allows us to really dig deep into the franchise and the new characters we meet along the way.

BlackFace 2020?

Many white ‘voice actors’ are resigning from their ‘black cartoon character’ positions in the wake of the protests against police brutality. Is this a wake up call to the major media companies of America to allow black owned creators in the door or are they just pandering to Black America?

Joker: A Walk, Stroll, or Run in Mental Illness?

Everything about Joker from his actions, mannerisms and goals contrast with each other. One minute you want to hate him and the next minute you can’t help but cheer for him. I’m going to be frank, this is not a movie review article and that’s because Joker is a masterpiece film, no question. What I would like to discuss here is mental illness and how the Joker might be a warning sign… (Credit to artist for picture)

You Get What You Deserve: A Review of JOKER

While JOKER’s plot may tread familiar ground, it’s the man we walk it with that truly makes this film stand out as one of the best films of 2019. It should be said that without Joaquin Pheonix, the movie wouldn’t work. But with him, this movie earns itself a 9 out of 10. Who’s laughing now?

Far From Perfect?: A Review of Spider-Man - Far From Home

Spider-Man: Far From Home takes place shortly after Endgame’s conclusion, dealing with the world’s recovery from what they are calling ‘The Blip’, as well as the loss of many of the prevalent Avengers. Now Avengers: Endgame is a tough act to follow and any Marvel film that comes after it would have some pretty big shoes to fill. Unfortunately, Spider-Man: Far From Home struggles to even live up to the rest of its peers in Phase 3, let alone Endgame.

Hail to the King: Why I Love Godzilla: King of the Monsters

Most people dismiss Godzilla due to outward appearances, saying “every film is the same” or “the dubbing is awful”. Well, with the newest film in the Monsterverse, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, I think it’s finally time I said my piece on just why I love this giant monster so much. I love Godzilla because of how varied his character is, how varied the films themselves are, and how personally connected I feel to him…All Hail the King!!!

Hollywood Gets A Clue - Pokemon: Detective Pikachu Review

It’s no secret that video games have not made the transition to feature films well. From the infamous Super Mario Bros. The Movie to Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Hollywood has struggled with how to adapt this form of media for decades. With Detective Pikachu, I can definitely understand why someone would hold Detective Pikachu at a high standard. Ultimately, the most revolutionary thing Detective Pikachu does is establish a baseline of quality for video game movies. If it’s not at least as good as Pokemon: Detective Pikachu, then in my opinion, it isn’t worth watching….here is my review.